Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Finally! I MADE it through my first year of teaching. I leave with mixed feelings that are new to me. I feel sadness because there is a special bond between me and my kids, and I feel that now the bond is breaking as they move on in life. I want so badly to be more to them in their lives. I want to be there... and watch them grow. It's hard knowing that now I will just be a "good teacher they had in 3rd grade". I guess I just got too attached, but I really cant help it. I love kids. Especially these ones.

I feel extreme happiness because I can REST. I can do things I have wanted to do all year, but didnt have the time or ENERGY to do them.

I feel anxious. I feel this because all I have been doing since August is work. Now... no work, and I dont know what to do with myself.

Overall, I realised a lot about myself this year as a teacher. I can honestly say that this is what I am meant to do. I guess you could say it is my calling. It feels natural to me and I am just so happy that I know now that I can do it.

I am hoping to still be here in the fall, so I can do my 2nd year here. Who knows still where we are going to be, which is so hard for Adam and I. We are just such planners... that its hard not to be able to plan for even the next few months. I have moved a lot in my life, so I know that when it is time I can do it. I just dont want to yet. I guess what will be will be and we have to do what is right for our future and our family's future.

LIST TIME!!! Here is my ambitious list for the summer:

1. Read a book.
2. Knit more baby stuff
3. Join the gym AGAIN
4. Loose some weight and try to build my self esteem. I dont want my self esteem to be dependent on my current weight. I want to love my body even during the ups and downs.
5. Sleep till AT LEAST 9 everyday.
6. Paint at least 1 painting
7. explore Virginia more.

OK thats enough.... What will really happen???

1. sit on couch
2. sleep more than 10 hours a night
3. play video games
4. eat pizza.


I hope you all will be hearing more from me via blogs, but call me- lets go out!


Unknown said...

Congratulations on finishing up the year!!! I'm so jealous you have the summer off, oh what I would give for summer break again! I hope you enjoy your time. Read a good book for me :)

Miranda said...

Yay Meems! Let's do something soon, eh?