Saturday, April 28, 2007

Lady in Waiting

Well it just seems like right now i am waiting. Waiting for graduation. Waiting to hear about this job. Waiting to see my parents. Waiting to see what my life will be like. Waiting for summer. Waiting to have to say goodbye to this pug I adore. Waiting to go out in public and not see people cry or talk about horrible stories about the shootings. Stories that haunt my dreams lately. I guess I am like a little kid that needs to be sheltered from stories like this. I feel bad but I dont want to talk about what happened at VT anymore. Tired.

I am however making squares. I feel a peace knowing that I am contributing to this cause. They are also calming me down. I had a bon fire the other night and a bunch of us gals sat around the fire knitting hokie squares. That was nice. This morning the photographer from the NY Times came and took pictures of us knitting. Weird. Companies sent boxes of hokie colored yarn in to donate to the cause. Amazing.

Here is a picture of Lucy and Spike together. I dont know how I am going to let this guy go. I just have to have faith that his life will be so good with his new family. When he is gone Mango might start loving me again. Even though she is right here- I miss her. I have to do whats right even though my heart will break.

I will let you guys all know about this job as soon as I hear. Love you all.


Anonymous said...

Love the meez, Mimi. I know what you mean - knitting the hokie squares does bring a sense of peace. Let me know about the job.

Miranda said...

I want in on some of that free yarn! I'm a soon to be free for the summer grad student too! Lots of time+broke=able to knit lots and lots!

I'm sick to death of talking about it too.

Anonymous said...

Yeah!! Anonymous postings!!!

This is Kat. :)

I'm happy that you are finding some peace with knitting. I have been knitting, but not that much, admittedly. Trying to sleep is a bit more important.

I can completely relate to the idea of waiting too. It sucks. But, I know that you are going to get that job 'cause you did great in the interview. Let me know if you want to get together for lunch or something and we can do a girls thing again before I leave. :)

Take it easy.

Sharon Virginia Turner said...

Don't you sometimes feel like you are back in high school? You know, when you couldn't wait to be "grown-up". When you kept wishing time would speed up so you could get to the good stuff. Some days I feel like I am wishing away my life so that I can get to living it. This time next year we are going to be kicking ourselves and wishing for down/boring times!

Soon, Soon, Soon it will all be worth the waiting! I know, take my own advice!!! :-)