Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Life of ME

I have nothing really exciting to write. All day long I was looking for something VERY interesting to write. I was hopeful that I would have an interesting day, but really... no. Every day cant be interesting and I cant feel this pressure to come up with great blog entries everyday. SO calm down faithful readers and rest assured that I will have something interesting happen soon.

Here are some random thoughts in my head: (I am just going to type exactly what comes in my head as it hits me)

1. Idol is on tonight. I am in class and I want to be home.
2. Mango puked on the floor today-
3. Belinda is so nice for helping me this week with tile
4. Gina is so nice for giving me this present... (I am a kiss ass)
5. I am hungry.
6. Lorens casserole sounded yummy... but needs some more fat... like cheese?
7. I bought some linen.... i might have an affair with her tonight.
8. gas....
9. Why do I have so much gas?
10. Why did I type that?
11. Why am I numbering this?
12. Why am I asking questions?
13. I cant stop numbering....
14. I hope Adam gets pizza and takes the toliet out.
OK- that was really sad. As you can clearly see... nothing exciting going on here..

Good Night


Chris said...

You are numbering because you are a Billingsley! Billingsley's number EVERYTHING!

Vouray said...

Wow...interesting blog entry. Wow. Huh.