Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 12 and 13

Gee Wiz. Yesterday went by so fast, with so many ups and downs. I got home last night at almost 10PM and just collapsed in bed. (of course, plenty of energy to watch the Bachelor finale!) I just forgot to blog. Please forgive me dear faithful blog readers. I am so excited that my blog is about to hit 3000 hits!!! Thats going to be my day 13 entry. I am seriously thankful for all my blog readers. I started this challenge to "cheer me up", and I am amazed at how it has. I look forward to what I am going to write, and get excited about seeing all your comments!! I HIGHLY recommend doing this challenge on your own. Today I spend the day doing homework for my stupid class, and napping. I think its the combination of the rain, lack of coffee, and 2 snoring pugs that make me so tired all day today. SIGH. I wish today was one of my higher energy days. Oh well.

As far as day 12 goes. I had a very eventful day yesterday. I went to weight watchers, and lost TWO pounds! yeah! I also went on a long walk at the dog park and saw a 16 year old pug! Makes me hopeful mine will live that long!! He was a black pug and super slow...

I met up with my friend Rachel and we went to dinner, and then went to a "meditation class". I thought this was going to be weirdo hippy crazy class maybe, but it ended up making a lot of sense. He talked about how we spend most of our lives not REALLy living in the present, but off thinking about the past or future (remember my blog the other day?!). It was all about taking some time each day to sit in a quiet place and be peaceful. NO thinking about all the junk we just normally think about. I tried this, and of COURSE, had to guide my thinking back to my breathing. Sitting still. Last night, I did it for 15 minutes at this class, and afterwards I honestly felt relaxed. Really relaxed, like I just woke up from a nice nap on a sunny day. Soon after my thoughts drifted back to worry, anxiety, and spacing out..., but showed me that its GOOD to try new things, and try every day to work towards improving your life. Even if this means just sitting in peace for a minute.

Think of how much of your life is spent in a sleepwalking state. Are you really living your life right now or are you just going through the motions and trying to get to the next place? So, today, I am thankful for trying new things. :)


Happy said...

I really do think this is an awesome idea and I might just try it myself! And I totally understand about loving blog comments, which is why I always make sure to leave them on all of my friends' blogs, so go on over to mine and leave me one when you get a chance! Thanks for this great idea!

Unknown said...

glad you liked meditation class!! i read a book about "living in the now" a while ago, and it was really good. your right- its super hard to stay focused and calm! hugs!

Mary Thomas said...

A meditation class! I am so impressed by all of the great experiences you are gathering. You live in a really interesting place, full of things like this meditation class. I love this challenge, maybe I will get to live more of these things vicariously...

Meditation. SO GOOD! It seems harder these days, but more and more important. I have to remind myself that RIGHT NOW everything is good. Really good. Fantastic, even. Just breathing. Your blog is so inspirational, no joke!

John and Laura said...

Great job at Weight Watchers, Mimi! I bet that felt great! It sounds like you had a good last couple of days. That's great!


Amanda Fox said...

I'm enjoying reading your blog, Mimi! It's cool that you tried meditation. My dad has been doing it for years and he really gets a lot out of it.

Chrissie said...


Marissa, craftaholic said...

Meditation is hard for me too-- hard to focus! But it feels great when I can do it.

Vanessa said...

I agree that meditation is awesome! I have such a hard time with it--I find it MUCH more difficult to go to a yoga class and do a lot of breathing and being in the "now" than to go to my usual push-myself-as-hard-as-I-can class. I have a really hard time slowing to a halt, but it is so important for maintaining balance in life. Thank you so much for the reminder. . . maybe I will go to yoga this week . . .