Day One:
I woke up after sleeping restlessly, but excited to start my day one. Today I decided to be thankful for a basic thing that I think we all take for granted sometimes. I am thankful for life. Not only am I thankful for MY life, Adams life, and all my friends and families lives... I am just thankful for life in general.
Since it is almost spring I decided to celebrate life a little bit by growing some seeds. I hope to grow these big enough to move into a "garden", which I have yet to create. It was nice looking at all the different seeds and setting up a little "nursery" for them. They have a nice sunny spot, and I am already enjoying their lives.
I also celebrated life by making a delicious dinner made from fresh cauliflower and carrots that I bought at the farmers market. I SWEAR those are the best veggies I have ever tasted. TOTALLY worth going to the farmers market to get. No picture of that. Im tired.
If I look around me, life is all around me. It comes and goes, and its amazing if you think about it.
I am already looking forward to day 2. You guys better makes some comments! I get GRUMPY if I dont have them. DO it. :)
You have had a very productive day! Did you plant seeds for something you've never cooked with before? I recently used fresh thyme for the first time and thought "where have you been all my life?" I was unable to see your labels -- what did you plant?
No, I just planted stuff I use often, onions, tomatoes, zuchinni, lavender, thyme, chamomille... ect. Super excited
How will you use the lavender and chamomille? I'm looking for some good ideas!
looks great!
oh bless you for having the wherewithall to start a garden. We have some tough old plants who basically survive on air alone and even they try to die on me every so often. YOURE AWESOME.
Looks great Mimi! You have a wonderful sunny spot! Now I need to plant mine...
Thanks for the motivation to get the herbs going. All looks great.
oh gardens are so great! def a skill i have yet to master! make sure to let us know how things are growing!
Oh thanks everyone! I think you'll like today's post too- stay tunes.
dmarie- look at my day 2 post, youll see how i use lavender..... Chamomille you can dry and make tea or also use in what I am doing today... youll see. :)
Mimi excellent to celebrate life with fresh food and seedling hopefuls...some veggies that I have success with...Arugula(great spicy lettuce in salads) Borage (beautiful blue edible flowers that draw pollinating bees) sungold tomato(literally had them produce from May til December)Swiss Chard Red (still growing)...rattlesnake beans(just really pretty on the vine)...celery(which is still growing)
Love it Mimi. I'm jealous that we can't plant yet...too cold in Utah, although it is crazy sunny and nice today!
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