Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 14

Day 14: Second Chances

Today's post is simple. Today I am thankful for second chances. I gave one to a veggie that did me wrong as a kid, the artichoke. For the full detailed story see older post (food glorious food one i think). So tonight I pulled out two fat green ones from the fridge. I cut the stem to short. Popped them in the steamer contraption and waited. I had no clue when they were done, but left them in for a long time. I melted some REAL butter do dip it in. And here we go......

So, I had to ask adam all about how to eat it... (he laughed) I poked myslef on the spiky part. And was nervous and scared... BUT... I dipped it in butter and OOOOH not bad!!! I ate the whole thing, well mostly. YEAH!!! I dont know if Im going to CRAVE them yet... but, Good.

I'm all grown up and finally eating my veggies mom! So, what food have you hated since you were a kid? Give it a second chance. You might be glad you did.


Chrissie said...

I'm proud of you! I'm surprised you didn't know how to eat it. You saw your family eat them for so many years! Oh well, you liked it! YES!

John and Laura said...

Hey, Mimi! I guess I will add Brussels sprouts to my shopping list and menu for next week. I am not happy about it, but I will make it work. ;-) You have inspired me. -L

Unknown said...

im gonna have to go ahead and say " i told you so". :)

Bekdiva said...

Oh the yummy choke! Delish.... so you know what food I have NEVER liked? Cantalope... weird huh? It seems I should like it. I like all fruits... but the flavor is disgusting to me. Perhaps I should try one from a farmers market... it may change my mind!

Don said...

What happened to the part you didn't eat??? If you still have it....

Don said...

Hummmmmm meditation eh? Take a trip and never leave the farm!!!!

"Meems" said...

Oh Im so excited to hear your going to give brussles sprouts another go Laura!!! Tip- Roast them with garlic and olive oil and salt!!!

Bekka- Cantelope can be super gross if its over ripe and flavorless if under ripe. I agree- but if its just right... mmmmm

Thanks Sarah....

haha Dad.... Im sure Adam ate it.